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Animal Accident & Emergency would like to introduce an Australian first: CT Scanner

Fidex CT Scanner available at Animal Accident & Emergency

An Australian First – Fidex CT Scanner

Animal Accident & Emergency would like to introduce an Australian first.  In December, AAE installed a CT scanner in our Point Cook 24Hr Emergency Centre.  The CT unit by Fidex is a major advancement in technology and unique in many ways.  Traditional CT units are common place in human and pet medicine.  They work by taking several hundred radiographs and then using computer programs to “join” the images together.  This allows the Doctor to look at body organs and structures in much more detail.

The new unit now operating at Animal Accident & Emergency uses the latest technology to combine a traditional style CT unit with an X-Ray unit and Fluoroscopy.  The combination allows us to combined three different devices into one unit.

At present you would need three different units to perform a CT, an X-Ray or a Fluoroscopic study.  The Fidex combines the functionality of the three different machines into one user friendly unit.  One of the functions we love is seeing the images in a 3D perspective.  It helps the pet owner visualise the problem that their pet has.  We can even strip back tissue layers which is great for planning for complex cancer surgeries.

3D Image 3D Image CT Scanner Emergency Vet Care 1

The Fidex unit has some major benefits to patients.  It is able top generate X -Ray images using minimal doses of radiation.  This means that we can take radiographs or perform a CT and the amount of radiation that the patient experience is far less.  It also increases the safety for the Vet Team. 

The unit itself is environmentally friendly.  Traditional CT units require substantial amounts electricity to operate.  They require a specialised air-conditioning plant to prevent them from overheating.  Our Fidex uses minimal electricity, runs in any standard air-conditioned building and plugs directly into a normal PowerPoint.  This also dramatically reduces the running costs of the unit which means savings for pet owners.

The unit is small, compact but mighty and we were able to install it in a standard sized room.

Our Fidex unit is the first in Australia and is truly a unique installation.  The ease of use, lower radiation emission and speed of the unit means that we can provide sick pets with advanced imaging at a cost effective price.  It provides more options then currently available at most veterinary centres.

Our specialists and Emergency team are using the Fidex for a variety of sick pet conditions.  With trauma and road accidents, we can scan for internal bleeding as well as bone fractures.  Our Medicine Specialist Dr Linda Abraham is able to perform cancer scans which help identify forms of cancer within the body.  

The following are some of the used of the unit:

  • Traditional X-Rays
  • Looking at specific organ structure such as the lungs, kidney, liver, spleen, urinary bladder
  • Used to help identify spinal problems
  • Diseases of the nose
  • Brain Tumours
  • Head trauma
  • Collapsing airways
  • Angiography for heart disease
  • Liver shunt identification
  • Swallowing studies for oesophageal or gastric motility problems
  • Elbow, knee and hip orthopaedic problems

To view the Fidex unit in action click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJQE1ZBkzvQ

For more information contact our 24hr Pet Emergency Centre: (03) 8368 7400

24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Dog, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Melbourne Cup Opening Hours – Emergency Vet

Melbourne Cup Dog

Animal Accident & Emergency will be open on Melbourne Cup Day.

You can contact our Pet Emergency Centres 24 hours, 7 days a week as we never close.

Our Animal Hospitals provide 24hr animal emergency at two great locations – Essendon and Point Cook. The centres are located to provide direct and easy freeway access. Time is precious in any emergency.

Our Emergency Centres provide dedicated emergency care. We are not just an after hours vet clinic.

Essendon Fields: (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook: (03) 8368 7400

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Medicine Consults at Essendon Fields

Linda vet

Medicine Consults at Essendon Fields with Dr Linda Abraham

From Wednesday 9 July 2014 Dr Linda Abraham will be conducting specialist medicine consultations from our Essendon Fields 24hr Pet Emergency Centre. Dr Abraham will be consulting from Essendon Fields every Wednesday from 9 July 2014. To book a consultation with Dr Abraham please contact our Point Cook Centre on (03) 8368 7400 and specify the appointment is for Essendon.

Appointments are by referral from your veterinarian.

Animal Accident and Emergency (AAE) is a purpose-built animal emergency centre servicing Melbourne. It provides 24hr animal emergency services. There are two great locations – Essendon and Point Cook. The centres are located to provide direct and easy freeway access.

Always Open, We Always CARE

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Radio-iodine treatment for feline hyperthyroidism

Hypertyroidism Animal Accident & Emergency

What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is a common condition of older cats resulting from excessive amounts thyroid hormone in the blood stream.  The majority of cats will have a benign thyroid tumour causing this condition but some may have a thyroid cancer.  The excessive thyroid hormone in the body speeds up the metabolic rate resulting in the common clinical signs of weight loss, increased appetite and thirst, increased activity and excitability, vomiting and diarrhoea.  A large thyroid gland, increased heart rate, presence of a heart murmur and increased blood pressure may be reported from the physical examination.  The diagnosis is usually made by means of a blood test although sometimes additional testing is required.


How can it be treated?

There are three methods of treatment in Australia: daily medical treatment at home for life, radio-iodine therapy or surgery.  Daily medical treatment will be suitable for some cats but it will not cure the condition and periodic examinations together with blood tests will be required to monitor the cat whilst it is being medicated.  Some cats may not be able to tolerate the drugs used to prevent thyroid hormone production due to side effects and other treatment options will be recommended instead.  Radio-iodine is a simple, effective (over 95% of cats treated will have normal thyroid function after a single treatment) and usually single treatment.  Whilst administration of radio-iodine does require sedation and hospitalisation (at a special licenced facility to allow the radiation to decay), the risk associated with this treatment is low.  Hyperthyroidism may alternatively be treated by surgery to remove the affected thyroid gland (thyroidectomy).  This will require a general anaesthetic and there can be complications following the surgery.

Each cat treated with radio-iodine (or thyroidectomy) will need to be assessed for the presence of other illnesses before the treatment goes ahead.  This is to make sure that there will not be any complications either during the administration of radio-iodine, during surgery or later when the thyroid hormone has decreased to normal.  Both radio-iodine therapy and thyroidectomy provide a non-reversible treatment and one consequence of reducing the thyroid hormone to normal in the blood stream is that for some cats kidney disease may become unmasked by this process.  Those cats which will suffer kidney disease when their hyperthyroidism is treated cannot be predicted from initial blood and urine tests.  This is why many veterinarians will suggest a medical treatment trial (where possible) to reduce the thyroid hormone to normal.  When the thyroid hormone has reduced to normal, blood and urine tests are used to assess how well the kidneys are working.  If the kidneys are not working properly, recommendations will be made depending on the severity of the decreased function.  For some cats this may mean that radio-iodine and surgery are not recommended.  Alternatively, it may mean that the radio-iodine treatment or surgery is postponed while the medication is continued and the kidney function is regularly checked.


What will happen to my cat during the treatment?

Typically, our cats will be admitted on a Monday (before 12 noon) for treatment the following day.  Food is taken out of the cage later in the evening and water is left for the cats to drink overnight.  Sedation is given on the Tuesday to administer the radio-iodine capsule by mouth.  Even if your cat is good at taking medications, sedation will be used to reduce the risk of radiation spillage should the cat not swallow the capsule.  There are strict laws that govern the handling of radiation in Australia.  Administration of the capsule is done in a designated area of our hospital where our patients are then housed during their stay.  Their body is scanned by a Geiger counter to ensure that the capsule has been swallowed properly.  The radiation needs to reduce (decay) to a certain amount and this will usually take a week.  Owners are not able to visit their cats whilst hospitalised due to radiation safety regulations.  During this period, the cats are observed frequently and fed twice daily.  Whilst we provide high quality cat food, some cats may become fussy eaters away from home and we encourage owners to provide a small supply of their favourite food so that their cat may be tempted to eat if they do not enjoy the food offered.  Similarly, we provide bedding but if bedding is provided from home it cannot be returned.


What do I need to do when my cat returns home?

There will be some residual radiation in the cat’s body and prolonged close contact should be avoided for the first week that the cat is home.  This means that your cat may not sleep on the bed with anyone at night or on their laps or be held for periods that exceed 30 minutes per day.  Any pregnant women or children should not have any contact with the cat for the first week that it is home.

The radiation does not work immediately and you may not notice too much difference in your cat’s health at first when they return home.  The radiation continues to works it effect over the next weeks to months and we therefore suggest that a blood sample is collected one month after treatment to assess the response.  This may be taken at our clinic or by your referring veterinarian.

If you are concerned regarding your cats health once home, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic.


Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook (03) 8368 7400


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Animal Accident & Emergency is seeking a full time Veterinarian


Animal Accident & Emergency is seeking applications for a full time veterinarian. We are seeking applicants with experience in emergency and critical care. Animal Accident & Emergency operates 24/7 at two locations. The position will involve shift work at both emergency centres. Our centres are fully equipped and would suit applicants looking to further their career within emergency and critical care. You should be motivated, communicate well and have the ability to teamwork. You must also display a commitment to continuing education and willingness to learn.
We believe in a team approach with a supportive environment. Our Medical Director is a Registered Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care.
The ideal applicant would have Membership in emergency (ANZCVSc) or preparing to sit for membership within the next 12 months. Applicants with less experience will be considered. Employment is shift based, with rotations involving day, night, weekend and public holiday shifts. The average working week is 37.5 hrs.

Please send applications to jobs@animalemergency.com.au Applications will close on the 27th June 2014.


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Animal Accident Emergency: Gastric Dilation and Volvulus (Bloat)

Bloat dogs Animal Accident Emergency

Bloat or GDV is a heart breaking condition that we deal with in our Melbourne 24Hr Pet Emergency Centres.  The following article was prepared by Dr Emily Treweek.  Dr Treweek has worked in emergency and critical care for the last 10 years and is a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Emergency and Critical Care.  If at any time you believe that your pet may have bloat, we need to see them as soon as possible.  We are a 24 Hr Melbourne Animal Hospital.   We are open 7 days a week and we are a Vet Open Sunday.  Our Team are always available.


picture of GDV

Gastric Dilation and Volvulus (or GDV as we will refer to it) is a life-threatening emergency where the stomach dilates with gas, and rotates within the abdomen, often 180 degrees, sometimes 360 degrees.  Normal build up of gas can be relieved by burping, however the rotation (‘volvulus’) starts near where the stomach meets the oesophagus, preventing burping.  The blood flow to the stomach is compromised, as the vessels are crushed when the stomach twists.  The spleen is an adjacent organ that may become tangled also.  Compromise to the blood flow causes inflammation due to reduced removal of waste from the cells of the trapped organs.  The stomach can get so big that it disrupts blood flow from the back end of the body to the heart, leading to reduced blood pressure, which leads to reduced blood supply to the rest of the body.  The size of the stomach can put pressure on the diaphragm, making it hard for the pet to breathe.  In turn, this can reduce the amount of oxygen available to the body.

With reduced blood pressure, reduced oxygenation and inflammation, it is easy to see how this can make a pet critically ill, and all of this can occur within only hours.

Symptoms of gastric dilation and volvulus may include an acute onset of discomfort, restlessness , salivation, retching or attempting to vomit, unproductively.  If you ever notice these symptoms, you must have your pet seen promptly by a veterinarian.  It will help if someone can call ahead so the veterinary team can be prepared.

It is a condition most often seen in large breed, deep chested dogs.  Deep chested dogs will have a very tall chest from their spine to their sternum (breastbone) while having a very narrow chest in the left-to-right dimension.  Some examples of dog breeds often affected are Great Danes, greyhounds, Irish Setters, Standard Poodles, St Bernards and Weimeraners, although any breed of dog, and even cats can occasionally be affected.

While there has been much speculation on the cause of GDV, there is little evidence to support what the cause may be.  Having a first degree relative with GDV, anxious or stressed dogs, eating very fast and having a raised feeding bowl are some factors that may be associated.

When presented with a patient with GDV, our veterinary team are required to act quickly.  Initial tests include clinical examination including palpation (feeling) the abdomen, blood tests and in most cases xrays (which can confirm whether the stomach is rotated rather than simply dilated).  Treatment requires the team to move swiftly to decompress the stomach, stabilize the patient with rapid intravenous fluids, pain relief and sometimes medication to stabilize the heart, in order to get the patient to surgery as fast as possible, where we are able to de-rotate the stomach and assess for damage in the abdomen.  In some cases parts of the stomach wall may need to be removed due to permanent loss of blood supply.  The spleen sometimes requires removal due to loss of blood supply also.  During the surgical procedure, the veterinarian will also perform a gastropexy, which is where the stomach is attached surgically to the inner abdominal wall, to significantly reduce the recurrence of GDV.

As you can probably imagine, it can take a few days to recover from such a major operation.  Patients are critical and require 24 hour monitoring for the next few days.  The veterinary team needs to treat the patient to ensure optimal hydration, oxygenation and circulation in the postoperative period.  The patient will be monitored for blood loss, blood clotting problems, heart problems (detected via ECG) and other complications from surgery.  They may need blood or plasma transfusions, medications to reduce abnormal heart beats, improve blood pressure or electrolyte supplementation.  Getting the pet to eat again after surgery often requires medication to promote movement of the gut, medication to reduce stomach acid and carefully balanced pain relief.  Pets that do well through to stitch removal go on to lead a normal healthy life.

Survival depends on the amount of internal damage.  One of the advancements in recent years is the ability to monitor progress with Cage Side Testing.  Our Emergency Centres are equipped with the latest blood testing machines, which allows us to obtain blood results acutely.  We treat numerous GDV patients each year and are more then aware of the complications that can occur.

If you believe that your pet may have Bloat or a GDV, then you need to contact us directly.  We have two convenient emergency centers.  Our Emergency Centres run 24Hr Intensive Care Units.  We service many suburbs in Melbourne.

Animal Accident & Emergency Essendon – 9379 0700

Animal Accident & Emergency Point Cook – 8368 7400


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Emergency Vet Treatment for Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis dog

An anaphylactic reaction (or anaphylaxis) occurs when pets become hypersensitive and react to foreign substances invading the body, such as toxins induced through insect bites. When pets have an anaphylactic reaction it is a highly serious animal emergency that requires immediate treatment at a 24 hour veterinary clinic, as it can progress to anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic reactions can be caused by a range of different foreign substances invading the pet’s body and requires previous (or excessive) exposure to that substance for anaphylactic reactions to occur. The pet develops hypersensitivity to the foreign substance causing their immune system to overreact to the stimulus when they next encounter the same substance. The immune system then produces immunoglobulin that reacts with cells in the body called mast cells which release histamine. Release of histamine results in the animal developing clinical signs including hives, swollen face, vomiting, etc. These cells are then sensitised and will have a more severe reaction the next time they are exposed to the same foreign substance.

The types of foreign substances that can result in anaphylactic reactions are:
• Insect bites
• Medications (e.g. antibiotics)
• Vaccines
• Toxins in the environment (e.g. cigarette smoke, perfume, air fresheners, etc)
• Chemicals and poisons
• Food (similar to humans, this can be any type of food that the animal is allergic to)

The clinical signs of anaphylactic reactions displayed by pets will depend on the type of exposure, the amount of foreign substance that has entered the pet’s body and the pet’s resistance to the foreign substance. As anaphylactic reactions worsen with each exposure, it is important that pet owners do everything possible in the future to prevent their pets from being exposed to the foreign substance again. Each time pets are exposed they will be at greater risk of having severe reactions and progressing to anaphylactic shock, which can result in death.

The main clinical signs or anaphylactic reactions that pet owners need to be aware of are:
• Itching
• Red swellings or hives
• Swollen/puffy face
• Cyanosis (bluish tinge to the tongue and gums)
• Excessive salivating and drooling
• Vomiting and diarrhoea
• High temperature
• Respiratory distress
• Collapse
• Anaphylactic shock

To diagnose anaphylaxis, 24hr emergency vets will look at the clinical signs presented as well as the pet’s medical history and previous exposure to the foreign substance. Knowledge of past exposure to the foreign substance is very helpful, so it is important that pet owners inform vets if this is the case. Blood and urine tests may also be performed by veterinarians to determine the best course of treatment.

Treatment for anaphylaxis will depend on the type of foreign substance that the pet is reacting to (i.e. insect bites, food, etc.). However, the first step that 24hr vets will always take if possible is to remove any objects that may be causing the reaction (e.g. bee stingers), and stabilise the pet, in particular, ensuring that the pet is able to breathe normally as anaphylaxis can cause respiratory distress. For mild cases of anaphylactic reactions, anti-histamines and anti-inflammatory medications will need to be administered to treat the clinical signs, followed by ongoing monitoring in a 24 hour pet hospital if needed. Pets experiencing mild reactions have an excellent chance of full recovery.

For more severe cases, when pets having an anaphylactic reaction progress to a state of anaphylactic shock, it becomes a highly critical and life threatening animal emergency. Pets in anaphylactic shock need to be hospitalised in a 24 hour pet hospital and given adrenalin, IV fluid therapy and oxygen therapy (via a breathing tube). They will also require further medical treatment and ongoing close monitoring by emergency vets and nurses. However, when treated quickly and with the appropriate ongoing pet care, cases of anaphylactic shock still have a reasonable chance of recovery.

Animal Accident & Emergency have two 24 hour pet emergency centres in Melbourne, which are ideally located in Essendon and Point Cook – both with easy freeway access and ample parking. Our animal hospitals are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including public holidays), and offer all the latest equipment and state of the art technology, as well as a 24 hour intensive care unit. Our dedicated team of emergency vets and nurses provide the highest standards of emergency vet care, critical care medicine and surgery, and are experienced in treating every vet emergency from right across Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat. So when you bring your pet to Animal Accident & Emergency you can rest assured that they will receive the best and most advanced vet care available.

If you believe your pet may be having an anaphylactic reaction, or for any veterinarian emergency, please phone one of our 24 hour animal emergency centres:

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700
Point Cook (03) 8368 7400


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Pain Medication – What Pet Owners Need to Know

Pain medication

 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are often prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of pain, fever and inflammation. They are incremental in improving the quality of pet care for cats and dogs, as they allow for pet owners to treat their animals with pain relief at home, which was not possible to do safely until recently. For cats and dogs that are recovering from a serious injury or dealing with ongoing highly painful conditions/diseases such as arthritis, NSAIDs are essential to ensure they stay as healthy and happy as possible.

While NSAIDs are safe and highly effective, they are still prone to side effects like all medications. When animals are prescribed with NSAIDs, it is important that pet owners understand the correct doses that should be administered and what complications may arise.

Common side effects of NSAIDs are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Dark-coloured faeces
  • Increased/decreased water consumption and urination
  • Lethargy
  • Itchiness
  • Seizures

These side effects are more common when medications are given in large doses or long term, but they can also occur even within the first few days of treatment. If pet owners ever notice any of the above side effects when treating their pet’s with NSAIDs, they should cease administering any further doses and contact a 24 hour veterinary clinic immediately, as it could be an animal emergency.

When pets are given NSAIDs it is important for pet owners to note the following:

  • Never increase the dosage or frequency of doses, unless instructed to by your vet
  • Never dose your pet in combination with over-the-counter medications (such as herbal supplements), unless you have consulted with your veterinarian that it is safe to do so
  • Never administer other animals with the NSAIDs without first consulting with your vet, even if you believe they have the same condition

Animal Accident & Emergency have two 24 hour pet emergency centres in Melbourne, which are ideally located in Essendon and Point Cook – both with easy freeway access and ample parking. Our animal hospitals are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including public holidays), and offer all the latest equipment and state of the art technology, as well as a 24 hour intensive care unit. Our dedicated team of emergency vets and nurses provide the highest standards of emergency vet care, critical care medicine and surgery, and are experienced in treating every vet emergency from right across Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat. So when you bring your pet to Animal Accident & Emergency you can rest assured that they will receive the best and most advanced vet care available.

If you believe your pet may be having an adverse reaction to pain medications, or for any veterinarian emergency, please phone one of our 24 hour animal emergency centres:

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook (03) 8368 7400

Always Open, We Always Care


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Vet Open Easter Holidays

 vet pic 9

If you need a Vet over the Easter Holidays (Good Friday, Easter Sunday & Easter Monday) Animal Accident & Emergency is OPEN 24/7.

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook (03) 8368 7400

We operate 24hrs a day and never close. Our team is ready to deal with all emergencies. Emergency and critical care is our core business and we often treat dogs or cats hit by a car (Trauma), dog or cat poisonings (Toxicities), breathing trouble (respiratory distress), or chronic medical conditions when your vet is not available.


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Animal Hospital OPEN Easter holidays


dog pic 5

Our Melbourne Animal Hospitals will be OPEN over the Easter Holidays (Good Friday, Easter Sunday & Easter Monday).

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook (03) 8368 7400

We operate 24hrs a day and never close. Our team is ready to deal with all emergencies. Emergency and critical care is our core business and we often treat dogs or cats hit by a car (Trauma), dog or cat poisonings (Toxicities), breathing trouble (respiratory distress), or chronic medical conditions when your vet is not available.


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Avoiding Chocolate Toxicity During Easter

AnimalAE Easter Chocoate


Easter is just around the corner, which means that Melbourne households will soon be filling up with chocolate. While you should be cautious of chocolate around your pets at all times, Easter does pose an extra threat to dogs due the sheer volume of chocolate that is more readily available for them to snaffle while you’re not looking.

Chocolate toxicity is rarely fatal, but ingestion of chocolate in dogs does often lead to significant illness and so should be taken seriously by pet owners and treated as an animal emergency. As with all things, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you believe your dog has ingested any amount of chocolate you should immediately consult an emergency veterinarian and bring it in for examination at a 24 hour animal emergency centre.

Chocolate is dangerous to pets as it contains the alkaloid theobromine, which has similar effects as caffeine and is poisonous in large amounts. The toxicity level of the chocolate depends on the type and amount that is consumed, as well as the size of the dog. Toxic doses are generally considered to be 100mg of theobromine per kilogram of body weight, with fatal doses often occurring at over 200mg per kilogram.

Cooking/baking chocolate and dark chocolate pose the biggest danger, as they contain the largest concentration of theobromine. A 10kg dog would only have to eat 50 grams of milk chocolate to show clinical signs of chocolate toxicity or as little as 30 grams of dark chocolate. Whereas a mere 15 grams of baking chocolate (containing 70% cocoa) could lead to chocolate toxicity. Keep in mind that if the chocolate contains other harmful ingredients such as raisins/sultanas, alcohol or macadamia nuts then it may cause further complications.

The common clinical signs of chocolate poisoning are:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • increased thirst
  • panting or restlessness
  • excessive urination
  • muscle spasms and tremors
  • seizures
  • increased temperature
  • increased heart rate
  • abnormal behaviour

Older pets, or animals with pre-existing heart conditions, are more susceptible to the effects of chocolate poisoning and at higher risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrest.

During the Easter holidays, you need to be extra diligent in storing your Easter eggs safely out of reach of your pets. If you have children in the house, you also need to ensure that they don’t eat their chocolate around your pets, just in case they drop any or if you have a dog cheeky enough to swipe it straight from their hands while they’re not looking. You should also be cautious if you take your dog for a walk near a public park or school over the Easter long weekend, just in case an Easter egg hunt has taken place and any tasty surprises were left behind for your dog to find.

If your dog does need to be treated for chocolate toxicity, then the sooner they are brought in for examination, and the sooner the theobromine is removed from the body, then the better the prognosis will be. In some cases, if the dog is brought in early enough then all that may be necessary is using medication to induce vomiting to remove the chocolate from the stomach. For cases where the chocolate was ingested several hours earlier, the use of activated charcoal may be used to prevent the stomach and small intestine from further absorption of theobromine. As theobromine is excreted in urine, it is also common to use supportive treatments such as intravenous fluid theory to help dilute the toxin.

Close monitoring for the first 24 hours after poisoning is essential to check for any signs of irregular heart rhythm, so for the best and most advanced vet care available for your pet it is best to have them seen by our emergency vets in one of our 24 hour Animal Hospital.

In case of a chocolate toxicity or any emergency, please phone one of our 24hr Pet Hospital:

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook (03) 8368 7400



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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat tips, Dog, Dog tips, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized, Vet

What to do When Your Dog Has a Seizure

AAE Dog Seizures

Watching your dog suffer through the violent, uncontrolled spasms of a seizure can be a very distressing sight, especially if you have never seen a seizure before or are unsure about what to do. While seizures are generally not dangerous to your dog, pet owners should be aware that seizures can indicate other underlying conditions and even cause subsequent problems. So it is always best to know what to do in the event of your dog experiencing a seizure, as well as when you should consider it as an animal emergency and call a 24hr vet clinic.

Also known as convulsions or fits, seizures are one of the most frequently seen neurological problems in dogs and consist of three phases. The first phase, known as the pre-ictal phase or aura, is a period where your dog may display abnormal behaviour, such as appearing nervous and restless, trying to hide or to find you, whining, shaking and salivating. This phase normally lasts between a few seconds to a few hours.

The second phase, or ictal phase, is the actual seizure itself, which lasts between a few seconds to about five minutes. During this phase, the muscles in your dog’s body will start to contract strongly, usually causing it to fall on its side with its head drawn backward and then appear paralysed while shaking uncontrollably. Your dog will generally be unresponsive during this time and may experience hallucinations. Involuntary urination, defecation and salivation can often occur during this period as well.

The third phase, or post-ictal phase, is the period where your dog will be coming out of the seizure and appear confused, disorientated and restless. They can also experience temporary blindness and memory loss, which may lead to further behavioural changes, such as not recognising you, aggression, pacing or running in circles. This phase can last between a few minutes to a few hours.

During the actual seizure, your dog doesn’t feel any pain and is generally unaware of what is happening. So the best thing to do is stay calm and move dangerous objects away from your pet so it can’t get hurt. If you are unable to move objects away from your dog, then move the animal carefully to a safe area where it cannot hurt itself or fall. Always remember that you should never try to restrain your dog during the seizure, as this may cause further harm. Also ensure that you do not place your hands near your dog’s mouth – animals cannot swallow their own tongue during seizures, but they may accidentally bite you.

There are many causes of seizures in dogs, with epilepsy being the most common. Other causes may also include liver disease, kidney failure, poisoning or brain tumours. To determine the cause, our 24hr emergency vets will need to thoroughly check your dog’s history for previous signs of seizures or abnormal behaviour. A physical examination and blood and urine tests will also need to be performed at our Melbourne animal hospitals to check for toxins or underlying illnesses or disorders of the liver, kidneys, electrolytes or blood sugar levels.

Depending on the severity and frequency of the seizures and the test results, the emergency vet may refer your dog to a Medicine Specialist for further tests and ongoing vet care. These further tests may include spinal fluid analysis, a CT scan or an MRI to look for brain diseases, inflammation, infections or tumours that may be causing the seizures. If your pet experiences more than one seizure every two months, status epilepticus, or two or more seizures in a 24-hour period, then they will generally be given anticonvulsant medication. This medication acts to prevent and reduce the frequency and severity of seizures and may need to be taken for life in some pet care cases.

Your pet needs to be seen by one of our 24-hour vets at our animal emergency centres for immediate vet care if your dog has never had a seizure before, or if they have had more than two seizures in a 24-hour period, or if the seizure lasts for longer than 5 minutes, or if they do not return to completely normal behaviour within 30 minutes after a seizure.

A seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes, known as Status Epilepticus, is especially serious and a potentially life threatening situation. If this occurs then your pet will need intravenous medication immediately or they may die. Please bring your family pet to see our experienced emergency vets so we can provide the best and most advanced vet care available in Melbourne.

In case of seizures or any emergency, please phone one of our 24 hour Animal Accident & Emergency Centres:

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700
Point Cook (03) 8368 7400

We’re Always Open, We Always Care


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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized

Vodka Saves Life of Maltese Terrier

AAE Charlie Vodka
A Maltese terrier named Charlie went on an epic bender to save his life after accidentally licking antifreeze off the floor of his owner’s garage.

ABC UK story regarding Charlie who had received treatment at Animal Accident & Emergency – Essendon Fields:


24 hour Pet Hospital, Animal Emergency, Uncategorized

A Big Weekend for Charlie

AAE Charlie Vodka

This has to be one of the most unusual situations, but this weekend we treated   Charlie for Ethylene Glycol Poisoning.  Ethylene Glycol is a product found commonly in anti – freeze solution.  It is very common in radiator and brake fluids.  The product is usually a bright green colour and is very sweet.  When ingested (even tiny amounts), it causes kidney failure.  Death can occur within a day or so of ingestion.

Initially, pets will look a bit “drunk” or may have some vomiting.  This occurs within an hour or so of ingestion.  The toxin is then broken down in the liver and form a more deadly kidney toxin.

In Australia, the only antidote we have is alcohol.  Alcohol alters the chemical reaction and stops the kidney failure from occurring.  It is important that we treat these pets as soon as possible after ingestion.  For most pets, a couple of licks of anti-freeze is enough to cause problems.

How we treated Charlie:  Charlie had a tube placed through his nose to his stomach.  Over about 48 hours, he was given successive doses of alcohol.  The easiest form of alcohol is vodka.  In fact for the whole weekend, Charlie had a huge party with us in the Pet ICU.  The vodka sedated Charlie and while undergoing therapy, we needed to monitor Charlie in our Intensive Care Unit.  The good news is that Charlie has recovered and is not showing signs of kidney failure.  Charlie went home this morning, still nursing a hangover.

We treat 2 or 3 cases of Ethylene Glycol per year in our 24 hr Pet Emergency Centres.


Always Open – Always Care

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Uncategorized

Animal Accident Emergency

Animal Accident & Emergency is open 24 hours per day 7 days a week at two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Our centres CARE for injured or sick pets anytime of the day. An emergency veterinary clinic is not the same as most vet clinics. Our aim is to work with your personal Vet to provide the best possible CARE for your pet.

Being an animal emergency centre, our vets and nurses are expertly trained to deal with all animal accidents and emergencies such as hit by car, dog attacks, snake bite, poisonings, acute vomiting and general illness. A large number of our vets have completed postgraduate training in the field. Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

Our Emergency Centres are fully staffed to see any animal accident and emergency patients 24 hours per day 7 days a week, including weekends and public holidays, and no appointment is needed.

Always Open – We Always CARE

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Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Dogs, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Uncategorized, Vet

24 hour pet emergency centre


vets & Pets

Always Open, We always CARE

Animal Accident & Emergency, is an emergency veterinary clinic located in 2 convenient locations – Essendon and Point Cook. Our centres CARE for injured or sick pets anytime of the day.  An emergency veterinary clinic is not the same as most vet clinics. Our aim is to work with your personal Vet to provide the best possible CARE for your pet.

We operate 24hrs a day and never close. Our team is ready to deal with all emergencies. Emergency and critical care is our core business and we often treat dogs or cats hit by a car (Trauma), dog or cat poisonings (Toxicities), breathing trouble (respiratory distress), or chronic medical conditions when your vet is not available.

Our emergency veterinary clinic is open 24-hours per day to attend to urgent conditions. We are always open including – vet open Sunday in Melbourne, we are open weekends, including all public holidays. If you need help, then please phone. One of our team, will be sure to assist you.


24 hour Pet Emergency Centre:

Essendon – 72 Hargrave Ave. Essendon Fields (inside the Essendon Airport Precinct) (03) 9379 0700

Point Cook – 6 Wallace Ave (Across from Oz Ten Bowling) (03) 8368 7400


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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Dog tips, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized

In The Emergency Centre This Week

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Rat poisons not only kill rats and mice but will kill family pets as well.

On Sunday this week, Billy a lovely 18month old bulldog was transferred to our 24hr animal hospital from his family vet. Billy had developed classic signs of internal bleeding (common with rat poisons).

On presentation to our emergency centre, Billy had severe bleeding into both his chest and abdomen. He was at the point where the amount of blood he was losing was life threatening. Dr Yenni our senior veterinary resident needed to provide Billy with an emergency blood transfusion. In this case, the blood transfusion was critical and needed to be completed within minutes to save Billy’s life The degree of blood loss was severe enough that we now need to monitor for any damage to body organs including his heart.

By late Sunday afternoon, Billy remained in our purpose built intensive care cage where he was able to receive oxygen and we could monitor his heart (ECG). He is now stable and feeling much better. He will remain with our ICU team for the next 24 hours.

When Billy is ok to go home, he will receive an antidote for the rodenticide for at least 6 weeks.

Please be careful with Rat Poisons – Billy’s owner was very diligent, but Billy still found a way to snack on the rate poison.

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Advice, Uncategorized

Pet owners are also being warned to be vigilant as the heatwave hits.

“Towns soar past 40C as heatwave hits Victoria”

Dr Scott Hall, of Animal Accident & Emergency in Essendon, said owners should relax exercise routines and make sure animals had water and shade.

“And if there is not enough shade in the backyard it is even worse – unfortunately people will come home to find their dog deceased,” he said.

Dr Hall said owners said pugs, bulldogs and other breeds with short noses were most at risk and he said long-haired dogs should be hosed down regularly.

If there is inadequate shade, Dr Hall recommended doggie day care over the heatwave.


For more information:



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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Dog, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Advice, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Albert Park


Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Albert Park.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Employment, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Nurse, Uncategorized

MEDICINE Patient Coordinator

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Animal Accident & Emergency Point Cook  is seeking a Medicine Patient Coordinator (MPC).  The MPC is a new position at our Point Cook 24Hr Pet Emergency Centre.  This is a nursing based position working directly with our medicine specialist, Dr Linda Abraham.  The position is designed to provide direct nursing support for medicine cases, assist in procedures, coordinate client appointments and follow up on the progress of our medicine patients.

Position Requirements

  • Certificate 4 or Diploma in Veterinary Nursing or equivalent
  • Manual Car Licence
  • Available to work Monday to Friday with occasional weekend or overtime required
  • High standard of written and computer skills
  • High standard of communication skills – this position involves significant client contact
  • Highly organised
  • Prior experience in referral or specialist centres (desirable)

Applications will close on the 30th of January 2014 unless a suitable applicant is found prior to this date.  A CV with 3 current referees should be forwarded to jobs@animalemergency.com.au.

For further information, please contact Ms Sonia Ross on 8368 7400 or Sonia.ross@animalemergency.com.au


Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Balaclava, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Balaclava

dog pic

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Balaclava.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Docklands

vet pic 5

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Docklands.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Emergency Vet, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized, Vet, Vet in West Melbourne, West Melbourne

Looking for a Vet in West Melbourne

dog pic 8

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from West Melbourne.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

AAE Pet Emergency Centres logo


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Southbank

dog pic 5

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Southbank.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.  There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.

We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Pet Emergency, South Yarra, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in South Yarra

dog pic 2

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from South Yarra.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

AAE Pet Emergency Centres logo


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Carlton North


Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Carlton North.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.

Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.  There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Medicine Specialist, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in East Melbourne

vets & Pets

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre. We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from East Melbourne. As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured. Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking. We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care. Two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, Surgeon, Surgery, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Looking for a Vet in Parkville

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Parkville.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.


Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013

