24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24 hour vet Melbourne, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Cat tips, CT Scan, Dog, Dog tips, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, specialist surgeon, Surgeon, Surgery, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Southpaws is Now Operating in Point Cook


southpaws specialty surgery for animals at Point Cook

Southpaws is excited to announce that we are now seeing cases and performing surgery at Animal Accident and Emergency in Point Cook.

Dr Charles Kuntz surgery at Animal Accident & Emergency Point Cook

Dr. Charles Kuntz is consulting on Friday mornings and operating on Friday afternoons.

AAE Point Cook is equipped with a new pencil cone CT scanner which provides excellent image quality with minimal radiation exposure. All types of surgical procedures including oncologic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery (including arthroscopy) and soft tissue surgery will be offered at Point Cook.

Please call Southpaws on (03) 9553 1775 to book appointments. Email info@southpaws.com.au if you have questions.

As always Southpaws surgical consultations at Animal Accident & Emergency Point Cook are free-of-charge

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Cat tips, Dog, Dog tips, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Employment, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, specialist surgeon, Surgeon, Surgery, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Full Time Emergency & Critical Care Veterinarian

nursing assistant

Animal Accident & Emergency is seeking applicants for a full time emergency and critical care veterinarian. Our hospitals are purpose-built 24-hour emergency, critical care and referral facilities, with the latest up-to-date equipment. We have everything you will need to provide the best standard of care including multi-parameter patient monitors, in-house laboratory, ultrasound, endoscopy, digital radiography, mechanical ventilation, CT and fluoroscopy. The position will involve shift work at both our Essendon and Point Cook centres and would suit applicants looking to further their career within emergency and critical care.


The ideal candidate will possess the following:

  • A minimum of 2 years experience as a Veterinarian with a keen interest and/or background in emergency medicine
  • Commitment to continuing education and willingness to learn
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skill
  • Ability to work efficiently, independently and as part of the team
  • Commitment for exceptional patient care

Our successful candidate will have access to the following:

  • Ability for career advancement
  • Structured internal training and clinical mentoring programs
  • External continuing education
  • Access to a great team of veterinarians and nurses
  • Support from Registered Specialists, Registrars and Residents in Emergency and Critical Care
  • Support from Registered Specialist in Internal Medicine.

Employment is shift based, with rotations involving day, night, weekend and public holiday shifts.

The standard working week is 37.5 hrs.If you are interested in working with a great team with plenty of support and challenging and rewarding cases, please send your application to jobs@animalemergency.com.au

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24 hour vet Melbourne, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Cat tips, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, specialist surgeon, Surgeon, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Tail Pull injury’s are commonly caused by cars running over a Cat’s Tail

Rufus Burmese Cat Emergency Vet Melbourne

Rufus is a 9 month old Choc Point Burmese cat who presented to Animal Accident & Emergency as a referral from his regular vet for ongoing care after being diagnosed with a tail pull injury.

What is a Tail Pull Injury:
It is a common injury caused when a car runs over the cat’s tail pulling apart the sacral-lumbar or coccygeal vertebrae and stretching the nerves that go to the bladder, rectum, and tail.

Signs: Tail hangs loosely – paralysed tail, urinary and/or faecal incontinence to partial loss of sciatic nerve function.

Treatment: Cats will need to be seen by a vet and hospitalised so the bladder can be manually emptied and receive treatment to attempt to heal the nerves controlling the urination and defecation. The tail may need to be amputated.

All spinal cord injuries require immediate veterinary attention. Protect the cat’s spine and use a blanket or towel to lift the cat onto a flat surface like a board before transporting to the vet.

Rufus is currently receiving critical care at our Essendon Pet Emergency Centre, the staff at AAE wish Rufus a speedy recovery.

Pictured above: Rufus enjoying a neck rub from Dr Nicole Trigg after his morning examination.

Rufus Burmese Cat Pet Emergency Centre Melbourne


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Cat tips, Dog, Dog tips, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Surgeon, Vet

Mischka suffered a severe anaphylactic reaction

 Animal Hospital Melbourne

Mischka is a 9 month old  poodle cross that was referred to our Essendon 24 Hr Vet Emergency Hospital stabilization after being stung by a bee. 

Mischka was examined by Dr Eugene Ong one of our Emergency Vets and found to be displaying signs of a severe anaphylactic reaction (muddy coloured mucous membranes, poor blood pressure, weakness, altered mentation, bloody diarrhea , vomiting and excessively fast heart rate). It was also noticed during examination that Mischka had abnormal bruising under her skin suggesting that she had possibly developed a coagulopathy (bleeding disorder that occurs with life threatening anaphylactic reactions)

Given the severity of her condition, any delay in receiving emergency treatment would compromise her chances of survival. Mischka was admitted to our Pet ICU for intravenous fluid therapy as we attempted to correct her blood pressure and reduce the risk of her developing further organ damage. In addition, comprehensive blood tests were performed in-house to assess for changes in red and white cell levels, blood coagulation times and liver and kidney parameters.

Mischka’s blood results indicated that she had lost a significant amount of blood and protein from diarrhoea and bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract. More importantly however, her blood tests confirmed our earlier suspicions that Mischka had developed a coagulopathy (bleeding disorder) which would be fatal unless treated appropriately.

Fortunately, Mischka responded very well to our initial fluid treatment and we were soon able to restore her blood pressure to normal levels and commence the next stage of treatment for coagulopathy. A plasma transfusion was performed over the course of the next 4 hours to replace the coagulation factors that had been lost as a result of her anaphylactic episode. During this time, a dedicated nurse was on hand with specialized monitoring equipment (ECG, blood pressure monitor, pulse oximetry) to keep a close eye on Mischka for any signs of a transfusion reaction. Post-transfusion, another blood test was repeated and showed that her blood coagulation times had returned to normal.

Over the next 48 hours, Melbourne Animal Hospital kept a round the clock watch on Mischka as we continued to manage her symptoms of vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. Being the plucky little fighter that she was, Mischka bounced back remarkably and soon regained her appetite and zest for life. 48 hours after her near-death experience, Mischka was on her way home with her very relieved mom.

We wish Mischka a speedy recovery!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an anaphylactic Reaction?


An anaphylactic reaction is a hypersensitivity reaction of the body to a foreign material or antigen. Common antigens in animals include insect stings, drugs and vaccines. Once developed, animals tend to show clinical signs within half an hour of the exposure. Clinical signs may vary in severity from mild itch or swelling and progress rapidly to life-threatening situations such as shock as seen with Mischka. As such, anaphylactic reactions should always be treated seriously and we recommend that your animal is seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine if any medical treatment is required.

Repeat episodes and the use of EpiPen®

When an animal suffers a repeat exposure, clinical signs may be more severe than the first exposure and they should be seen urgently by a veterinarian should they develop any clinical signs.

In humans, EpiPen® (Adrenaline [Australia] / Epinephrine [North America] auto-injectors) are commonly carried by people at risk of suffering anaphylaxis so that they may be administered immediately once a reaction develops. Not surprisingly, there has been interest within the veterinary community regarding the benefits of such a practice in veterinary medicine and owners often query if they too should have an EpiPen® on standby so they too may administer it to their pets in the event of a repeat exposure.

At this juncture, we cannot recommend the use of EpiPen® for pets for several reasons. Firstly, adrenaline is used for the treatment of anaphylaxis in humans to stop and reverse bronchospasm (airway spams) and airway swelling due to the risk of death from asphyxiation. This is however an uncommon situation in small animals who instead tend to develop severe gastrointestinal signs and blood volume deficiencies. These effects cannot be corrected by the administration of adrenaline alone and require large volumes of intravenous fluids as given to Mischka when she first presented to us.

Secondly, animal requirements for adrenalin vary markedly from humans therefore attempting to administer an appropriate dose with an EpiPen® is challenging. Administering an inappropriate dose is risky and can be fatal.

Finally, precious treatment time may be wasted when trying to administer adrenaline and may put the person trying to administer it at risk of getting bitten by a highly distressed animal. EpiPen® needles are very short and therefore administration of adrenaline by owners under the skin to an animal with poor peripheral circulation is unlikely to be of any significant benefit.

Based on the above reasons, we cannot recommend the use of EpiPen® in animals at this point in time until there is evidence to justify its use in anaphylactic animals.

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, Surgeon, Surgery, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Looking for a Vet in Parkville

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Parkville.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.


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