24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24 hour vet Melbourne, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Cat, Dog, Dog tips, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Medicine Specialist, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Melbourne Vet OPEN Australia Day 2015!

Australia day 2015


Animal Accident & Emergency will be OPEN 24/7 over the long Australia Day weekend.

We have two Pet Emergency Centres in Melbourne which will be OPEN 24 hours on Australia Day.

Essendon Fields (03) 9379 0700
Point Cook (03) 8368 7400

Happy Australia Day!

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24 hour Pet Hospital, Animal Accident Emergency, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Cat tips, Dog tips, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized

Diaphragmatic Hernias

 Diaphragmatic hernias Vet Emergency

Our 24 Hr Pet Emergency Centres often see cases of trauma.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital that is Always Open, we understand what is required in such a pet emergency.  If your pet is injured from a significant trauma, ensure you speak to veterinarian to ensure that X-Rays / Radiographs of the chest (Thorax) were taken.  Even if your pet looks well after a trauma, you should have them checked.

Dr Jason Arlaud one of our team of emergency vets has summarised the following article for you from “Small Animal Critical Care” by Silverstein and Hopper.

Diaphragmatic hernias occur when there is a “hole” in the diaphragm.  The diaphragm is a sheet of tissue that separates the thorax, where the lungs and heart reside from the abdomen where the: bladder, intestine, kidneys, liver, stomach and spleen reside.

Dogs and cats may be born with a diaphragmatic hernia (congenital) which is rare or develop one from an unknown cause (iatrogenic) or as a consequence of trauma.

Blunt trauma due to vehicular accidents, high-rise syndrome (falling from apartments) or dog fights are the most likely causes.  Trauma accounts for eighty five percent of diaphragmatic hernias in dogs and cats.  In traumatic diaphragmatic hernias usually one or more of the abdominal organs (stomach, liver, intestine etc.) has as a consequence of force, been pushed through the diaphragm into the chest, causing a tear in the diaphragm.  Once one or more abdominal organs are in the chest there is the potential to affect the heart and lung’s normal function.  This leads to difficulty getting enough oxygen into the body and the animal breathing at a faster rate. Complications may be fatal.

Animals that present to veterinary clinics and are subsequently diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernias may vary in their breathing pattern from normal to struggling to breath (dyspnoeic).  Their breathing may worsen hours after they were injured in some cases. Dyspnoeic animals will have a fast breathing rate, they may have their mouth open and neck stretched to try and get as much oxygen into their lungs as possible.

Organs most likely to be pushed through the diaphragm are: stomach, liver, intestine, omentum and spleen. The liver is the organ most likely to herniate.  Most insults occur on the right side of the diaphragm possibly due to the stomach sitting on the left side and being gas filled it may cushion some of the force.

Diaphragmatic hernias are suspected when certain findings are observed on examination including: borborygmus (stomach sounds) over the chest, abnormal heart and lung sounds, displacement of heart,  lungs or trachea by abdominal organs, pleural effusion or an incomplete diaphragm on radiograph and signs or history consistent with trauma.

Other associated injuries may include:  pleural effusion, pulmonary contusions (bruising), pneumothorax (air in the chest cavity) chest wall disease (broken ribs).

What often kills a pet with such trauma is the damage that occurs to the lungs and lung tissue.  Usually if a trauma was severe enough to rupture the diaphragm, it will have caused bruising to the lungs.  If the lungs are severely damaged then pets can die, despite all treatment.

Treatment involves stabilisation from shock and eventual surgery.  This type of injury is very painful and we do use a significant amount of pain medication.  Our main concern in our Melbourne Animal Hospital is ensuring your pet is in the best possible condition for surgery to occur.  Our 24Hr Pet Emergency Centres provide some of the most advanced monitoring equipment available.  Our Blood Gas unit helps identify problems with their lungs.  The tests are run as needed and we have the results available within 1 minute of collection.  In the most severe cases we use a ventilator to help improve breathing and lung function.  Ventilators are not common at most veterinary clinics and for diaphragmatic hernias they may make the difference between your pet surviving.

If your pet is involved in an accident then we urge you to have them checked by a Vet Now Open.  We have two convenient locations for our Melbourne Pet Emergency Centres.


We are Always Open, We always CARE

Essendon Airport – Essendon Fields 9379 0700

Point Cook – 8368 7400

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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Accident Emergency, Uncategorized

Insect Stings / Animal Accident Emergency

bee sting

Stings occur most commonly when your pet has been exploring in the park, your backyard, or even within your own home. Stings will occur more commonly on thinly furred areas, such as the face and paws. However, this does not mean that they cannot be affected elsewhere.

Insect bites will usually have both an allergic and toxic (poisoning) component. Symptoms of insect bites are quite variable; sometimes a sting will be inconsequential and you may not even notice that it has occurred while other times there may be a severe inflammatory reactions causing critical disease and even death.

Symptoms that may be attributed to stings can include: irritability, restlessness, itchy skin (especially face, paws and eyes), pain, swelling, redness, heat, wheals, vomiting, defecation, diarrhea, urination, salivation, weakness, collapse, seizures, increased breathe noises and difficulty breathing.

Usually if your pet has reacted badly to a sting in the past then they are likely to react in the same way, if not worse, in the future.

If your pet has any of the above listed symptoms, unexplained inflammation, or inflammation that you suspect may be attributed to insect bites, please seek veterinary advice immediately.

Animal Accident & Emergency is open 24 hours, 7 days a week at Essendon and Point Cook.

Always Open – We Always Care


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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Dog, Pet, Pet Emergency, Uncategorized, Vet

24 hour vet near Carlton

dog pic 5

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre. We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Carlton. As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.

Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care. There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking. We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care. Two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Always Open – We always care


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24 hour Pet Hospital, 24/7 Vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Cat, Dog, Emergency Vet, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Advice, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Albert Park


Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Albert Park.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Carlton North


Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Carlton North.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.

Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.  There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Pet Advice, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in North Melbourne

vet pic 3

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from North Melbourne.  As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Emergency Vet, Medicine Specialist, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Kensington

little boy and his pet

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre. We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Kensington.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured. Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking. We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Dogs, Emergency Vet, Medicine Specialist, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in East Melbourne

vets & Pets

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre. We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from East Melbourne. As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured. Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking. We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care. Two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.

Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Melbourne Animal Hospital, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Flemington


Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre. We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Flemington.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured. Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking. We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.

Two great locations: Essendon Fields and Point Cook.


Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24 hour vet, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Pet Advice, Pet Care, Pet Emergency, Pet Emergency Centre, Pet emergency melbourne, Surgeon, Surgery, Uncategorized, Vet, veterinarian

Looking for a Vet in Parkville

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Parkville.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.


Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013


24 hour Pet Hospital, 24hr Vet, Animal Emergency, Animal Hospital, Animal Hospital Melbourne, Uncategorized, Vet

Looking for a Vet in Port Melbourne


vet pic

Animal Accident & Emergency is a full service Pet Emergency and Critical Care Centre.   We are open 24/7 and often receive patients from Port Melbourne.

As a Melbourne Animal Hospital we will care for your pet if they are sick or injured.  Our team includes Specialists in Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care.

There is easy Access from the freeway and plenty of safe parking.  We are not just open after hours, we are a 24 hour vet hospital that specialised in Emergency and Critical Care.  Two great locations:  Essendon Fields and Point Cook.


Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013

