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24 hour Vet CARE Specialists

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Animal Accident and Emergency (AAE) is a purpose-built animal emergency centre servicing Melbourne.  It provides 24hr animal emergency services.  There are two great locations – Essendon and Point Cook. 

Our Melbourne Vet Emergency Centres provide dedicated emergency care 24/7.  We are not just an after hours vet clinic.  Our whole focus is emergency and critical care.

If you require treatment for an animal emergency, Melbourne’s AAE offers:

  • 24 hour emergency service Critical care and after hours vet emergency care
  • Experience in veterinary emergencies
  • Up-to-date equipment and purpose-built surgery
  • 24 hour veterinarians
Crisis Care Specialists
Our services extend far beyond what would normally be expected of an after hours vet.  Our equipment and training allow us to provide an exceptional level of patient care.
Animal Accident  Emergency Logo 2013